Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has brought war back to Europe and is transforming Russia itself— dissent is crushed, propaganda is raging and fear is everywhere. Filmed over 12 months with unparalleled access, VICE News documents how this war is pushing the country from authoritarianism to dictatorship. Help keep VICE News’ fearless reporting free for millions by making a one-time or ongoing contribution here. – https://vice.com/contribute Check out VICE News for more: http://vicenews.com

The Lincoln Project five-part documentary series takes viewers inside the war rooms of the wildly successful Super PAC of former elite Republican strategists and consultants who joined forces for the sole purpose of saving democracy by bringing down Donald Trump. This series follows the members of GOP super PAC, The Lincoln Project, over the course of the election, to the storming of the capitol, and up to Biden’s inauguration as they strive to change the […]

These actors aren’t lawyers – but YOU might be. We The Action need you to do what they can’t: Use your legal expertise to help protect the election. With the election just days away, the legitimacy of the election is under attack. We believe that your race, income, or ZIP code shouldn’t decide if you can cast your vote. That’s why we need you to use your legal expertise to make voting safe, secure, and […]

Now that we have your attention… Here’s what you need to know if you are voting by mail this election: 1. Follow ALL instructions carefully. If it says use 2 envelopes, use 2 envelopes. If it says use a black pen, use a black pen. Not funny. Not sexy. But absolutely essential. 2. Mail your ballot or drop it off ASAP. Like now. If your ballot arrives late, it won’t count and you’ll have been […]

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