Lake Windermere is dying.
Excessively high nutrient levels are destroying England’s largest lake, untreated sewage discharges into the Windermere catchment.
What’s happening in Windermere?

High phosphorous levels
The single largest input of phosphorous into Windermere is sewage discharges from United Utilities Wastewater Treatment Works.
Toxic algal blooms
High levels of phosphorus in the lake are leading to a rapid increase in potentially toxic algal blooms.

Suffocating our wildlife
Algal blooms suffocate our lake and are a danger to us, our pets and our wildlife.
The Numbers

full days of sewage discharged from storm overflows into the Windermere catchment in 2022

9 months
for a single drop of water to travel through Windermere – this is why Windermere is unique

reduction in the number of sea trout caught by line on the River Leven since 1980

tourist industry at risk of collapse if Windermere dies
See What Sewage Is Doing To Our Lake
No United Utilities Inputs
Image taken above Chapel Stile, Great Langdale Beck, where there are no wastewater treatment work discharges

Below United Utilities Inputs
Image taken roughly 100m downstream of Ambleside wastewater treatment work on the River Rothay
United Utilities & Windermere
United Utilities is the company responsible for managing the sewage and wastewater infrastructure in the Lake District, including the Windermere catchment area. Their operations have been identified as the single largest contributor of phosphorus into the lake, and they are the key focus of the Save Windermere campaign’s efforts to protect our lake now and forever.
The water industry nationally has proven time and time again that they focus on profits and shareholder dividends over the protection of the environment.
United Utilities is one of the worst offenders.
What Can Be Done?
Image By SwimQuest Holidays
United Utilities has previously modelled complete removal of one of their assets discharging into Windermere at an estimated cost of £25 million, which in the context of their turnover and profits is a minimal investment.
Since the 1960s, Lake Annecy in France has been transformed. This has been achieved by channeling all sewage to treatment plants outside of the lake’s catchment. It is now the cleanest lake in Europe.
To return Windermere to its ecologically natural state, through the complete removal of ALL treated & untreated sewage discharges into the Windermere catchment.
They are collaborating with the local community, businesses, environmental organisations and politicians to Save Windermere from ecological destruction, ensuring future generations are able to swim free from fear and allowing wildlife to thrive in a healthy ecosystem.
- Compel United Utilities to invest heavily in infrastructure to remove their input entirely.
- Demand openness and transparency and compel United Utilities to release currently withheld data.
- Collect further evidence of ecological damage and illegality within the catchment.
- Hold organisations to account to ensure they are held legally responsible for their actions.
- Further mobilise the press and influence public opinion through events, films and demonstrations.
- Lobby Parliament, politicians, policy makers and United Utilities’ institutional investors to effect change.
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